Логотип Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

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AACSB Quality Assurance (AoL) webinar

Even in these difficult times for Ukraine, Alfred Nobel University looks to the future with confidence and relies on quality and honest education. The implementation of the strategic tasks facing the University currently requires additional efforts from the staff and administration, including active volunteering activities carried out by the University. Planned events are in danger of cancellation or postponement, but some of them can be implemented.

One such event was a webinar organized by the AACSB on March 14-16, which was attended by Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance Iryna Shkura. The webinar focused on quality assurance (AoL) in accordance with AACSB Standard 5 (2020). For many universities, even those already accredited, this was also a challenge due to the update of the Standards from the version 2013 to 2020. The seminar was attended by 30 representatives of higher education institutions from all over the world, who had to work and share experiences with representatives of the EU and Australia during interactive team sessions. The speakers of the seminar were experienced professors, coordinators of the accreditation process from Great Britain and Australia: Angelito Calma, The University of Melbourne and Anthony Devine, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University.

The three-day workshop immersed participants in AoL conceptual issues, continuity of the quality assurance cycle, selection of a set of direct and indirect methods to assess the level of AoL goals, development and formulation of competencies, learning outcomes, program and sections mapping to assess the results.

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