Логотип Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

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MoU signing ceremony with INTI International University

On January 11, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Alfred Nobel University and INTI International University, Malaysia.

On behalf of Alfred Nobel University, Rector Sergii Kholod and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Tamara Ishchenko, and on behalf of INTI International University, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Joseph Lee, Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Choo Wou Onn and Head of International Relations, Ms. Ma Jun Kai agreed on areas of cooperation mutual for both parties.

Priority areas of cooperation include exchange programs for students and lecturers, summer and winter camps, study tours, joint seminars, research projects, online and offline training for teachers, joint bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. We look forward to long and fruitful cooperation!

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