Логотип Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля

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Alfred Nobel Planet

having no analogue either in Ukraine or in the world




In 2003 the Hall of Nobel Prize Winners’ in Economics was opened in Ukraine for the first time ever.

The Memorial Hall has become the leading centre of research and educational activities where various international events take place.

These events attract famous Ukrainian and foreign scientists, scholars, and educators.

Continuing its efforts to memorize the world intellectual elite – NOBEL LAUREATES, in 2008 the University took the decision to create in Dnipro the unique memorial sign – the sculpture composition «ALFRED NOBEL PLANET» in honour of the 40th anniversary of Nobel Prize in the field of Economics established by the Sveriges Riksbank.

The memorial does not have analogues either in Ukraine or in the world.

The memorial is a 5-meter structure with the symbolic globe (three meters in diameter) where the bronze medals with images of all Nobel Prize Winners in six nominations from the year 1901 are placed (the diameter of medals is 115 cm).

The memorial is erected on the campus of Alfred Nobel University.

The aim of the memorial is to glorify and make popular science and creative genius of man, his aspiration to light and the common good, to glorify the names of talented scientists-pathfinders of the planet Earth.

The unique memorial sign has been manufactured by the specialists of Dnipropetrovsk Production Association «Pivdenmash» named after O.M. Makarov of corrosion-proof metals, mostly the materials obtained by recycling strategic missiles as a symbol of contribution of the people of Ukraine to nuclear disarmament on our planet and, at the same time, as a symbol of the might of Ukraine – one of the leaders in aerospace fields.

The ceremonial opening of the sculpture composition «ALFRED NOBEL PLANET» took place on 12th September 2008 in the framework of the first International Nobel Economic Forum.

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