Borys Kholod
Doctor of Economics, Full Professor, Honorary Scientist of Ukraine, member of the European Club of Rectors, Member of the Academy of Economic Sciences in Ukraine (2000), Member of International Academy of bioenergy technologies (1995), initiated and created in 1993 Alfred Nobel University.
Tetiana Korobeinikova
Vice-rector for Quality Assurance in educational process
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor.
Member of Ukrainian Translators Trainer’s Union.
2014 - PhD. Main speciality: Pedagogical Sciences (theory and methods of teaching foreign languages): Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Compared to PhD). The thesis title “Developing Future Teachers’ English Competence in Dialogical Speech with the Use of Information and Communications Technologies”
2009-2013 - Post-graduate education at Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.
2002 - Graduated from Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. Complete higher education.
Professional Trainings:
Scientific seminar"Elsevier tools for search and analysis of scientific articles, support with publication in high-ranked scientific journals, planning of research career", Dnipro, April 2016.
IV International Academic Congress «Fundamental and Applied Studies in EU and CIS Countries», UK, Cambridge, October 2015.
IV International Scholarly-Methodological Conference"Methodological and phycological-didactic problems in teaching of foreign languages at modern stage", Kharkiv, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University. November 2011.
Refresher Course for Teachers of English, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.
Courses taught: Practice of Translation(tutorials); Practical English(tutorials); Theory of Linguistics(lectures, seminars); Scientific and Technical Translation(lectures, seminars); Introductory Course into Philological Speciality (lectures, seminars).
Professional Experience
Since September 2016 - Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department of Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
2015-2016- Associate Professor of Philology and Translation Department, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V.Lazarian, Dnipro, Ukraine.
2012-2015- Senior Lecturer of English Philology and Translation Department, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V.Lazarian, Dnipro, Ukraine.
2009-2012- Lecture of English, Department of Germanic and Romance Languages, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.
2002-2009 - Lecture of English, English Philology Department, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.
2001-2002– Teacher of English, Secondary School 144, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Anna Stepanova
Vice-Rector for Research, Full Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice Rector for Research, Full Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
Professional development (latest research projects, conferences)
Research projects:
2010-now “Linguistic Aspects of Foreign Languages Communication and Methods of its Teaching” № 011ОV000323.
2008-now Scientific supervisor of the works submitted to International conference “Youth of Ukraine in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication”
Editorial Board memberships (Editorships)
Chief editor of “Alfred Nobel University Journal of Philology”
2017 International Scientific Conference “East and West: Culture Dialogue”. 15-17 September, Slupsk (Poland).
2015 The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Scientific achievements 2015”. – 20 February, Vienna (Austria)
2014 The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Global Scientific Unity 2014”. – 26-27 September Prague (Czech Republic);
2014 XII International Scientific Conference “Literature of XX century: totals of research perspective” Russian Federation, Moscow, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, February 11-12.
2013 International Scientific Conference “Russian writers in modern world: literature and culture of Russian abroad”, Wien, Austria, Karl and Franc University in Graz, October 15-20.
2012 International Scientific Conference “Motherland, Belief, Love in Abroad Literature”, Slupsk, Poland, Coast-dwell Academy in Slupsk, June, 28-30.
2010 ІІ International Scientific Conference “Russian Language and Literature in International Education Space: Modern Status and Perspectives”, Granada, Spain, Universidad de Granada, September 8.
2019 Master of Philology. Translation (English/Russian). Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
2015 Full Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
2014 Doctor of Sciences. Main speciality: Philological Sciences (Comparative Literature, Literature of Foreign Countries);
2007-2010 Post-Doctoral Studies at Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine.
2004 Associate Professor of English Philology and Translation Department, Diploma of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
1999 Candidate of Sciences (Compared to PhD). Main speciality: Philological Sciences (Theory of Literature);
1995-1998 Post-graduate education at Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine;
1990-1995 University degree. Russian Language and Literature Lecturer. Dnipropetrovsk State University, Ukraine.
Professional experience
2014-now Full professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine;
1999-2014 Assistant Professor of the English Philology and Translation Department, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Publication List
Books (monographs):
- Степанова А. «Закат Европы» Освальда Шпенглера и литературный процесс 1920-1930-х гг. Поэтология фаустовской культуры.: Монография. – Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя, 2015. – 496 с. [Stepanova A. (2015) “The Decline of the West” by Osvald Spengler and Literary process in 1920-1930: St-Petersburg, Aleteya], Rus.
- Степанова А. Эстетическое сознание и проблемы урбанизма в литературе эпохи модерна: параллели, взаимодействие, целостность: Монография. – Saarbrüken: Lambert Academic Publishing (Deutschland), 2013. – 260 р. [Stepanova A. (2013) Aesthetical consciousness and urbanism problems in modern Literature: parallels, interoperability, integrity, Saarbrüken: Lambert Academic Publishing (Deutschland)], Rus.
Selected academic articles:
- Степанова А.А. Художественное своеобразие трагикомического в драматурги М.Булгакова (к вопросу о генезисе постмодернистской естетики) // Філологічні семінари. Постмодерні жанри: фікція чи полілог із традицією. – Вип. 18. – К.: Логос, 2015. – С. 94-105 [Stepanova A.A. (2015) Art originality of tragicomic in M.Bulgakov's playwrights (to a question about genesis of postmodern aesthetics): Philological Seminars. Postmodern genres: fiction or polilogue with tradition?, vol. 18, pp. 94-105], Rus.
- Степанова А.А. Філософські витоки ідеї служіння в романі Германа Гессе «Гра в бісер» // Література в контексті культури. Збірник наукових праць. – Вип. 26. – Київ: Видавничий дім Дмитра Бураго, 2015. – С. 305-311 [Stepanova A.A. (2015) Philosophical origins of the service idea in the Herman Hesse's novel "Glass bead Game": The Literature in the context of culture, vol. 26, pp. 305-311], Ukr.
- Степанова А.А. Солнечный город в экзистенциальном измерении: «Солнце мертвых» И.Шмелева и «Посторонний» А. Камю // Russischsprachige schriftsteller in der heutigen welt / Русскоязычные писатели в современном мире. – Wien: Pettan e.U., 2014. – С. 18-25 [Stepanova A.A. (2014) Solar city in the existential dimension: "The Sun of the Dead" by I.Shmelev and "The Stranger" by A. Camus: Russian-speaking writers in the modern world, pp. 18-25], Rus.
Selected publications (conference proceedings etc.):
- Степанова А.А. Формирование городского сознания в эпоху средневековья // The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Scientific achievements 2015”. – 20 February, 2015 Vienna (Austria). – Vol. 1. – Vienna: Publishing Center of The International Scientific Association “Science & Genesis”, 2015. – 204 p. – P. 194-203 [Stepanova A.A. (2015) The formation of urban consciousness in the Middle ages: The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Scientific achievements 2015”, vol. 1, pp. 194-203], Rus.
- Степанова А.А. Образ города и метафизика ландшафта: философская мысль Валерия Подороги в литературоведческом преломлении // The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Global Scientific Unity 2014”. – 26-27 September 2014 Prague (Czech Republiс). – Vol. 4. – Prague/Copenhagen: Publishing Center of The International Scientific Association “Science & Genesis”, 2014. – 255 p. – P. 184-195 [Stepanova A.A. (2014) The image of the city and landscape metaphysics: philosophical thought by Valery Podoroga in literary refraction: The European Scientific and Practical Congress “Global Scientific Unity 2014”, vol.4, pp. 184-195], Rus.
- Степанова А.А. Эстетико-философские смыслы «закатности» в концепции фаустовской культуры Освальда Шпенглера // Литература ХХ века: итоги и перспективы изучения. Материалы одиннадцатых Андреевских чтений. – Москва: Экон-информ, 2013. – 384 с. – С. 7-17 [Stepanova A.A. (2013) Aesthetic and philosophical senses of "declinity" in the Oswald Spengler`s concept of the Faustian culture: Literature of the XX century: results and prospects of studying. Materials of 11th Andrew's readings, pp. 7-17], Rus.
- Степанова А.А. Зарубежная литература ХІХ века. Романтизм: учебное пособие. – Днепропетровск: ДУАН, 2015. – 160 с. [Stepanova A.A. (2015) Foreign literature of the 19th century. Romanticism: Dnipropetrovsk, Alfred Nobel University], Rus.
Olena Krasovska
Vice-rector for Development, Doctor of Economics, Full Professor, Professor of International Marketing Department
Director of the International Business School IBS.
Olena is a director of the International Business School IBS.
She defended her PhD thesis on "Developing the World Higher Education Market" in 2010.
In 2000, she graduated from Alfred Nobel University with a degree in Marketing, then she completed her postgraduate studies at Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman.
Trained under the Tempus-Tacis programme (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Research interests: problems of conducting market research of educational services market, mechanisms of regulation of supply and demand of educational services according to the situation on the labour market.
Subjects taught: "Marketing Research", "Service Marketing", "Modern Technologies of Marketing and Sales Management", "Marketing Pricing".
Tamara Ishchenko
Vice-rector for Science and International Cooperation
PhD (Philology), Associate Professor.
1992 – 1997 Dnipro State University, Dnipro, Specialist, English Language and Literature Instructor.
Professional Trainings
– Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Major Subjects Teaching and Means to Intensify the Process of Education for Student Philologists”. – 26 June 2014, Dnipro.
– Interactive Seminar “Relevant Translation Theory and Practice Issues”. – 27 February 2013, Dnipro.
– Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moodle Technologies in Teaching “Practical English”. – 9 October 2013, Dnipro.
– Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”. –31 January 2012, Dnipro.
– Conference “Are you ready to embrace technological innovations from Cambridge University Press”. –24 February 2012, Dnipro.
– Seminar “Broadening the Horizons. English Teachers’ Workshop”. –13 April 2012, Dnipro.
– Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Moderns Approaches to the Organization of the Students Individual Work while Teaching Business English”. – 27 April 2012, Dnipro.
– Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Ways, Means, Methods and Techniques of Translation”. – 19 June 2012, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
– The 2nd English Teachers’ Conference “Innovative Approaches to Teaching English”, Dnipro, 29 November 2012
- Scientific and Practical English Teachers’ Conference “Distance learning techniques in Teaching Practice of Translation. – 17 November 2011, Dnipro.
Courses taught: Translation Theory; Practice of Translation; Practical English; English Speaking Communicative Strategies; Interpreting; Machine Translation; Editing and Translation.
Professional Experience:
September 1998 – Senior Lecturer (later Associate Professor) of English Philology and Translation Department Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
May 2004 – Part-time Manager-Translator for the National Paralympic Committee of Ukraine, Kyiv
National Paralympic Team member during Athens Paralympic Games (2004), Torino Paralympic Games (2006), Beijing Paralympic Games (2008), London Paralympic Games (2012).
Conference interpreting, consecutive and written translation experience.
Work with ENEMO election observers during Presidential Election and OSCE during Parliamentary Election in 2014.
Sergiy Vakarchuk
Chief expert for the ISO standards
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Full Professor
Academic profile | Academic profile |
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Prizewinner of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, member of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- graduated from Dnipro State University (1978), speciality "Mathematics".
- presented his doctoral thesis on speciality 01.01.01 "Mathematical Analysis" (1994). Holds the academic rank of Full Professor since 2003.
Scientific and pedagogical work exprerience: 35 years.
Subjects taught: Mathematics for Economists (Higher Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics) - in English, Economic and Mathematical Methods and Models (Optimization Methods and Models, Econometrics) – in English, Riskology, Mathematical Model of Transformational Economy, Applied Problems of Modeling Economic Processes.
The author of over 200 scientific papers (USSR, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA, Italy, France, UK, etc.), 16 educational works as well as co-author of international Russian-Polish-Ukrainian textbook “Riskology”.
More than 85 works are included in the most well-known scientometric databases such as Scopus, Math-Net.Ru (Russia), ZMATH Database (Germany), MathSciNet (USA), etc.
Member of two specialized Scientific Councils for Candidate’s Theses: K08.051.09 (01.05.01 Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science and Cybernetics, 01.05.02 Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods) and K08.051.06 (01.01.01 Mathematical Analysis) at Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University.
Four theses for the degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01.01.01 “Mathematical Analysis” have been prepared and defended under the supervision of S.B. Vakarchuk.
Scientific reviewer of several professional mathematical journals (Ukraine, Hungary, Russia);
Scientific observer of the international abstract journal "Mathematical Reviews" (AMS USA).
In 2012, 2013 was engaged by Thomson Reuters and Times Higher Education Agency as a respondent for ratings of world higher educational institutions.
In 2008 and 2009 within the framework of the International Programme "Development of Population Strategy" with financial support from the United Nations he held a series of lectures on Applied Statistics, intended for employees of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Repeatedly headed the State Examinations Commission in "Mathematics", "Statistics and Economic Informatics", "Economic Statistics", "Statistics" (DNU).
S.B.Vakarchuk’s biographical data have been published in the "Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine", in such international biographical reference books as "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" (USA) and "Who's Who in the World" (USA).
Research interests: Theory of functions approximation of one and several variables, extreme problems of approximation theory, computational geometry and its application, applied statistics, riskology, economic and mathematical modeling.