Nataliia Volkova
Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor
2007 - award of the academic title of Professor of Pedagogy. In the same year she graduated from the Master's Degree Programme of the Humanities University "Zaporizhzhya Institute of State and Municipal Administration" in the speciality "Higher School Pedagogy".
2006 - Doctoral dissertation defense in the speciality 13.00.04 - the theory and methodology of professional education at the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University.
1989 - while studying in the postgraduate course at Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute named after OM Gorky,, N. Volkova defended her PhD thesis in the speciality 13.00.01 - Theory and History of Pedagogy prior to the scheduled date.
1981 - graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, majoring in mathematics and physics.
Academic publications:
N. Volkova is the author of more than 100 printed works, of which:
monograph "Professional-pedagogical communication: theory, technology, practice",
three textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Pedagogics. A guide for students of higher education - K .: Ed. Center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p .;
Professional-pedagogical communication. Educ. tool. - K .: "Academy", 2006. - 256 p .;
Pedagogy. Edu. manual. ed. 2nd, reworked, compl. - K .: Akademvidav, 2007. - 616 pp.),
11 educational and practical manuals.
Iryna Oliinyk
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University of Oleksandr Dovzhenk (2005). Speciality “Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Ukrainian language and literature“ (qualification of teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature and Ukrainian studies).
Advanced courses at the International Business School of Alfred Nobel University IBS in HR Management.
PhD in Pedagogy (speciality 13.00.05 - Social Pedagogy) (Order #1608 of 21 November 2013).
Theme of the dissertation "Formation in the future social teachers of readiness to work with orphans and children deprived of parental care.
Inesa Garkusha
PhD in Social Communications
In 2015, she defended her PhD thesis on the theme: "Forming a rhetorical culture of future advertising professionals in the process of vocational training" (27.00.01 "Theory and history of social communications": "Professional aspects of training for the field of social communications).
2009 - internship at the Regional Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Centre in Dnipro.
2007 - Zaporizhzhya Institute of Public and Municipal Administration of the University of the Humanities, Master in Pedagogy of Higher School.
From 1999 to 2002 she studied on PhD course at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
In 1996 she obtained the qualification of psychologist-practitioner-teacher at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.
Has a certificate from the International Institute for Social and Psychological Health on the organization of psychological counseling under the programme "Practice of psychological assistance", 2014.
Has an experience in the field of psychological counseling and training.
Stanislav Sapozhnikov
Doctor of Pedagogy, Full Professor
2014 - in the specialized academic council of the Republican Higher Educational Institution "Crimean University for the Humanities" (Yalta) defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on the theme: "Trends in the development of higher pedagogical education in the countries of the Black Sea. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (speciality 13.00.04 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education".
2013 - graduated from the Republican Higher Educational Institution “Crimean University for the Humanities” (Yalta) with a degree in Primary Education, with a qualification: primary school teacher, organizer of primary education.
2009-2013 - studied for Post-Doctoral Degree in the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Educational Institutions of the Republican Higher Educational Institution "Crimean University for the Humanities" (Yalta).
2007 - graduated from the Humanities University "Zaporizhzhya Institute of State and Municipal Administration" in the speciality "Management of educational institution", was awarded the qualification of the head of the educational institution and its departments.
2006 - in the specialized academic council of the Kherson State University defended his PhD thesis on the theme: "Ecological education of students of higher educational establishments of I - II level of accreditation which are focused on construction". Speciality 13.00.07 "Theory and Methods of Education".
1995-1998 - studied at the postgraduate course of Dnipro State University, speciality 13.00.01 "Theory and history of pedagogy".
1994 - graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, awarded the qualification of mechanical engineer.
Professional activity:
From 1993 to 1994 - teacher of physics of secondary school №140 in Dnipro.
From 1994 to 2005 - teacher of special disciplines of Dnipro Mounting College.
From 2005 to 2006 - Lecturer in Pedagogy and Psychology, Dnipro National University.
From 2006 to 2008 - Head of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of Private Higher Educational Private Institution “Dnipro Humanities University”.
Since 01.09.2008 - Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Crimean University for the Humanities.
From 2011 to 2012 - Rector of the Beit Khan International Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute.
From 2013-2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Management of Educational Institutions "Crimean University for the Humanities" (Yalta).
Ivan Batrachenko
Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor
1985 - graduated from the Dnipro State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, majoring in mathematics and qualified as Mathematician, Teacher of Mathematics.
In 2010 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme: "Psychological regularities of human anticipation development" in speciality 19.00.01 - General Psychology, History of Psychology.
From 2003-2006 he studied on post-doctoral course at the Department of General and Medical Psychology of Dnipro State University.
In 1991 he defended his PhD theis on the theme: "Psychological analysis of anticipation in pedagogical communication".
From 1988 to 1991 he studied on PhD course of the Research Institute of Psychology of Ukraine (Kyiv), speciality 19.00.07 - age and pedagogical psychology.
Author of more than 90 academic works, including 6 monographs:
Fundamentals of psychological theory of anticipation: monograph. / I.G. Batrachenko. - D .: Izd-vo DNU, 2012. - 252 p.
Psychology of Life Anticipation: Monograзп. / I.G. Batrachenko, O.G. Rihalskaya. - D .: Izd-vo DNU, 2009. - 252 p.
Oxana Bayer
PhD in Psychology, Asscoiate Professor of the Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work
Scopus | Profile | 0000-0002-1749-1518 |
Scholar | Profile | Profile |
Personal website
Profile ID: 1259972 аuthor ID: 2883645
◦ 2020 – currently working over doctoral dissertation thesis “Psychological adaptation of subjects with the experience of social discrimination” (social psychology, special education; research advisor – prof. А. Shevtsov, National Pedagogic University named after Mykhailo Dragomanov)
◦ 2019 – currently Educational project of GLE and Ukrainian Umbrella Association of Psychotherapists in existential analysis and logotherapy
◦ 2013 – currently Coursera: Social Psychology, Intellectual Humility, Addicted Brain, La-Tex, Qualitative Research Methods, Disability Awareness and Support
◦ 2006 scientific rank of Associate Professor
◦ 2006 candidate dissertation thesis “Specifics of using the sense of humor as a coping behavior resource”, 19.00.01 – general psychology, the history of psychology, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, research advisor prof. E. L. Nosenko
◦ 2002 – 2005 post-graduate studying at Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovs'k National University
◦ 1997 – 2002 bachelor, specialist, “Psychology. Language and Literature (English)”, Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovs'k National University
Professional experience
◦ 2020 – currently Associate professor at the Department of innovative technologies in pedagogy, psychology and social work in Alfred Nobel University
Disciplines taught:
- Social geronthology
- Special psychology and correctional pedagogy
- Conflictology
- Psychological rehabilitation
◦ 2002 – 2020 Lecturer, senior lecturer, Associate Professor at Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovs'k National University
Disciplines taught:
- General psychology
- Family psychology
- Methods of teaching psychology
- Psychology (in English)
- Geronthopsychology (in English)
- Psychological assistance in extremal situations
◦ 2002 – currently private psychotherapeutic practice
Research interests
Qualitative research methodology in psychology, construction and interpretation of social reality, phenomenology, crisis psychology, psychology of trauma, psychology of the senior age
Professional communities and international activity
◦ Facebook community “Nashi v psykhologii” (“Our people in psychology”,
◦ member of editorial board and reviewer in journals “Know and Share Psychology” and “European Scientific Journal”
◦ member of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, European Association for Qualitative Research, Ukrainian umbrella association for psychotherapists
◦ associated member of Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe
◦ multiple experience of editing translations of professional English literature:
Selected publications
Bayer, O., Krupskyi, O. and Bondarenko, E. (2020), "Subordinate evaluations of high-performance managers", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 41 No. 7, pp. 927-938. (Scopus-ranked).
Байєр О. О. Огляд зарубіжної літератури з питання дискримінації людей з інвалідністю [Review of foreign literature on the matter of discrimination of people with disabilities] // Актуальні питання корекційної освіти (педагогічні науки). - 2020. - Випуск 16. - Том 2. - С. 28-36, 10.32626/2413-2578.2020-16.28-36.
Байєр О. О., Осітковська О. О. Особливості поведінкової терапії для дітей, які мають синдром дефіциту уваги з гіперактивністю (СДУГ), у Європі [Specifics of behavioral therapy for children with ADHD in Europe] // Теорія і практика сучасної психології, 2020, №1, С. 129-133 (IC-ranked).
Motsna S., Bayer O. Psychological characteristics of representatives of “person – technics” group of professions as a factor of job satisfaction and efficacy // Journal of Psychology Research. - 2019. - Vol. 25 (8). - P. 66-77 (IC-ranked).
Bayer O., Glushko O. Childfree as a new phenomenon and its individual psychological correlates // Journal of Psychology Research. - 2019. - Vol. 25 (8). - P. 20-26 (IC-ranked).
Байєр О. О. Обґрунтована теорія як метод роботи з текстом [Grounded theory as a method of work with texts] // Доповіді І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції 29-30 листопада 2019 р., м. Кривий Ріг. - Кривй Ріг: Вид. Р. А. Козлов, 2020. - С. 4-7.
Байєр О. О., Халіпов Д. Ю. Якісна методологія дослідження як перспектива розвитку академічної психології [Qualitative methodology as a perspective of academic psychology development] // Розвивальний потенціал сучасної соціальної роботи: методологія та технології: матеріали V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (13-14 березня 2020 року, Київ). - Київ: КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка, 2020. - С. 12-13.
Байєр О.О., Мороз Н. І. Особливості зв’язку емоційної стійкості та креативності [Specifics of relation between emotional stability and creativeness] / Психологія і особистість. - 2019. - № 1 (15). - С. 273-284 (IC-ranked).
Глушко О. І., Байєр О. О. Вибрані лекції з дисципліни «Психологічні проблеми батьківсько-дитячих стосунків» [Selected lectures on the discipline «Psychological issues of parent-child relationships»], Д., ДНУ, 2019, 56 с.
Байєр О. О., Байєр О. О. Актуальні питання психології сім'ї [Current issues of family psychology], РВВ ДНУ, 2020, 44 с.
Глушко О., Байєр О. Ціннісний портрет українця, потенційно зацікавленого в психотерапії [Value portrait of a Ukrainian potentially interested in psychotherapy] // Психологія і суспільство. - 2019. - № 1-2. - С. 52-59 (IC-ranked).
Байєр О. О., Осітковська О. О. Цілі та задачі психолога в освітньому закладі, де навчаються діти з СДУГ [Purposes and tasks for a psychologist working in an intitution with ADHD children] // Сучасна освіта: методологія, теорія, практка: Матеріали ІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції (з міжнародню участю) (12 березня 2019 р., м. Дніпро) // ПУ «Вищий навчальний заклад «Міжнародний гуманітарно-педагогічний інститут «Бейт-Хана». – Д.: Акцент ПП, 2019. – С. 24-26.
Байєр О. О. Якісні методи дослідження рис та підструктур особистості [Qualitative research methods of traits and substructures of a personality] / Роль рівня сформованості диспозиційних та динамічних властивостей особистості у зумовленні якості життя (колективна монографія). - Д.: Ліра, 2019. - С. 76-103.
Шевченко В., Байєр О. Конструювання картини світу особистості за умов інформаційного суспільства [Construction of a personality's outlook under the conditions of informational society] // Збірник наукових праць: психологія. - Івано-Франківськ: Вид-во ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», 2018. - Вип. 22. - С. 69-75.
Одишария Л., Байер О. А. Два плана работы психики. План импульсивного поведения и уровень объективаций [Two plans of the phyche work. The plan of impulsive behavior and the level of objectivations] // Journal of Psychology Research, 2018. - №24(7). - С. 123-138 (IC-ranked).
Байєр О. О., Глушко О. І. «Вибрані лекції з дисципліни «Психологія сім'ї» [Selected lectures for the discipline “Family psychology”], Дніпро, РВВ ДНУ, 2018, 52 с., 4 д. а.
Байєр О. О., Лук'яненко О. М. Особливості переживання страху дорослішання особами юнацького віку [Specifics of the fear of aging by adolescent subjects] // Науковий Вісник Херсонського державного университету. Серія: Психологічні науки. - Херсон, 2017. - Випуск 5, Том 2. - С. 79-84 (IC-ranked).
Байєр О.О., Познякова Г.Л. Психологічні особливості осіб юнацького віку, схильних до автоагресивної поведінки [Psychological characteristics of young subjects prone to autoaggressive behavior] // Науковий Вісник Херсонського державного университету. Серія: Психологічні науки. - Херсон, 2017. - Випуск 4, Том 1. - С. 8-12 (IC-ranked).
Сhernova L. V., Bayer O. O. Maternal upbringing as a factor of perfectionism development / Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія «Психологія». 2016. - Випуск 22. - С. 11-18 (IC-ranked).
Буханець А. О., Байєр О. О. Зв’язок суверенності психологічного простору із типом копінг-стратегій і наявністю внутрішньоособистісних конфліктів в юнацькому віці [The relationship of psychological space sovereignty with intrapersonal conflicts in the young age] // Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія «Психологія». 2016. - Випуск 22. - С. 37-44 (IC-ranked).
Oxana Bayer, Ievgeniia Martyshenko «Coping with Repression in Soviet Ukraine» // European Scientific Journal, Vol. 12, No. 8, 2016, P. 52-72.
Olga Lebid
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
2018 - she defended her doctoral dissertation in Pedagogy.
2015 - she was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Pedagogy.
In December 2012 she defended her PhD thesis "Formation of professional culture of future head of a comprehensive educational institution during Master degree studies" in speciality 13.00.04 - Professional Education.
2008 - she graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Humanities of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, majoring in Management of the educational institution and received an honors degree.
2007 - she graduated from the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Training Primary School Teachers, majoring in Primary School and Foreign Language Teaching and received an honors degree.
She is the author of more than 50 printed works.
The main directions of academic activity: strategic management of a comprehensive educational institution, professional training of future heads of educational institutions during Master degree studies.
Subjects taught: Personnel Management, Management and Marketing in Social Work, Strategic Management in Education, Fundraising in Education, Conflict Management in Education, Project Management in Social field.
Victoriia Bykova
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
In 2013, she defended her PhD thesis in the speciality 13.00.06 - Theory and Methods of Education Management. Theme of the dissertation "Management of the process of formation of a competitive specialist in the conditions of diversification of education".
In 2004 graduated from the Central Institute of post-graduate Pedagogical Studies, Kyiv of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, majoring in Psychology.
Academic interests: activity of psychological services; formation of specialist's competitiveness; psychology in economics, business, management.
Subjects taught: Workshop in General Psychology, Age Psychology, Age Psychology and Psychology of Personality, Age Psychology: Gerontopsychology, Economic Psychology, Engineering Psychology and Labour Psychology, Management Psychology, Management Psychology: Personnel Management, Psychology of Management and Conflictology, Organization of psychological services.
Tetiana Ermolaeva
Senior lecturer
Obtained basic psychological education at the Dnipro National University (1996).
She has the extensive teaching experience at the Academy of Judges of Ukraine, in conducting social and psychological trainings and holds a certificate of expert in educational training.
Research interests: legal psychology, organizational psychology, methodical and methodological aspects of training.
Subjects taught: Psychodiagnostics, Practical psychology: psychology of personality in conflict situations, Practical psychology: theory and practice of social and psychological training, Legal psychology, Introduction to the speciality, Psychodiagnostics, Psychological special practice, Methodology of psychological expertise in various fields of psychology: forensic and psychological examination, psychology of traumatic situations, family psychology.
The Department of Psychology was created in February, 2007 as graduating in the direction of training «Psychology». Training in this direction gives opportunity to get the fundamental education at the level of bachelor and master in psychology.
Study programmes
Master in "Management of Educational Institutions"
Staff of the department are qualified lecturers who combine teaching, science and practical psychology.
Demand for training in the direction of training "Psychology" is predetermined by need for the qualified psychologists, who:
- can work in the areas of business, education, medicine, social help;
- are knowledgeable in the modern psychology, the newest methods of psychological diagnostics, psychoprevention and psychocorrection.
For conducting effective professional activities, students studying "Psychology" have to master skills of advisory work, psychological diagnostics, psychological correction to clients of different age categories, social and professional groups.
A psychologist is needed today in different areas of social life:
- in psychological and HR departments of the enterprises irrespective of a kind of activity and form of ownership;
- in organizations, commercial and public institutions and people for the purpose of personal growth;
- in consulting psychological centres providing a psychological assistance to the people;
- in treatment and preventive institutions and social help establishments;
- in employment centres and family & youth services;
- in educational and special educational institutions.
The main activities of a psychologist
- Psychology research.
- Educational activity for the dissemination of psychological knowledge.
- Advisory work to provide assistance in solving personal problems.
- Screening and selection of personnel.
- Professional orientation work.
- Psychocorrectional and developing work.
Psychologist gains professional knowledge and masters professional skills which allow to solve such problems:
- to study the influence of psychological factors on employees in the organization and to develop actions for creating favourable working conditions and increase of its efficiency;
- to carry out effective selection of personnel and to ensure professional development in different areas;
- to promote positive social and psychological climate in the organization;
- to carry out individual psychological consultation concerning personal psychological problems;
- to organize and lead the groups of correctional training and ensure the development of separate mental functions: memory, attention, thinking, etc;
- to organize and provide social and psychological training and training aimed at personal growth;
- to solve the problems connected with the formation of politician's image, organization of effective advertising campaign and PR;
- to carry out judicial and psychological expertize by request of appropriate authorities;
- to give psychological help to heads of organizations for the purpose of managing quality improvement;
- to carry out psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional work in medical institutions.
Psychologist is prepared for professional activity in the areas of education, sciences, medicine, cultures, physical culture, social security, production, information technologies, in public associations.
Specialist in psychology can be intended for work in psychological services and production centres, in education system, healthcare, social sector as a psychologist who carries out diagnostic, scheduled and psychocorrectional maintenance.
Integral part of graduation of psychologists in Alfred Nobel University is the combination between thorough study of theoretical disciplines, development of practical skills and knowledge of foreign languages that gives the chance to find a good job on the labour market and to be a competitive expert.
The department supports academic contacts with laboratory of psychology of emotions and motivation of Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland). As a result, effective cooperation on "Features of Manifestation of Perfectionism of Students of Poland and Ukraine" is complete.
Lecturers of the department take part in international grants and conferences.
The department encourages students to participate in international conferences and educational projects, in particular such, as Study tour to Poland which purpose is youth acquaintance from countries of Eastern Europe with culture, history and social and economic and political way of Poland.
The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology was founded in 2014 through merger of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy and the Department of Practical Psychology. Volkova Nataliya Pavlivna – Ed. D., professor has headed the Department since September of 2014. Sapozhnykov Stanislav Volodymyrovych – Ed. D., associate professor is a head of the major «Psychology».
Currently, the Department provides training of specialists with a degree in «Psychology», «Social work», as well as masters with a degree in «Management of Educational Institution», «Pedagogy of Higher School». Students of full-time education and part-time education are more than 400 people.
Lecturers of this Department actively participate in activities of the University of the Third Age. They annually give a course of lectures in psychology.
1. The Department of General and Social Pedagogy was founded in 2009 as administering sub-department of the major «Social Pedagogy». In 2010-2011 academic year the department made the first admission to the specified major.
In 2013 the Department has started training of masters with a degree in «Management of Educational Institution», «Pedagogy of Higher School».
In 2014 the Departmentwas licensed for training of specialists with a degree in «Social Development».
Volkova Nataliya Pavlivna – Ed. D., professor was a head of the department during 2009-2014.
2. The Department of Practical Psychology was founded in February of 2007 as administering sub-department of the major «Psychology». In 2007-2008 academic year the Department made the first admission to the specified major.
In 2009 the Department was licensed for retraining of specialists, which allowed it to make the first admission for retraining on the basis of higher education in February of 2010.
Since 2013 the Department has started training of psychologists (full-time education and evening-time education)of the academic level «master».
The Department of Practical Psychology was headed at various times by: Halyna Palm – Cand. Sc. Psychology, assosicate professor (2007-2012); Tamara Tkach – Psy.D., Professor (2012-2013), Iryna Sekret – Ed. D., Cand. Sc. Psychology, professor (2013-2014).
One of the important activities is involvement of students in:
• research which is the integral element of educational process and is integrated in course schedule as obligatory for all students;
• participation in reseach-to-practice conferences;
• contest works;
• joint publishing of theses and articles;
• organization of work of academic clubs and research labs;
• Department's research theme.
Annually the Department organizes and holds the International scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students «Practical psychology in modern dimension». For years of running a conference more than 400 people from Ukraine, Russia, Great Britain, Poland, Canada and other countries became participants of it.
Under the leadership of Department’s teachers students took part in All-Ukrainian and regional scientific competitions: «Завтра.ua», «Intelligence. Creativity. Success», All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works on natural, technical and the humanities.
Students and Department’s teachers take part in the organization and holding academic and practical seminars, round-table meetings, educational and practical training programmes.
The main directions of scientific work of the Department’s staff are reflected in numerous publications.