Procedure of selection of researchers and teaching staff
to participate in the international mobility program ERASMUS+
1. General provisions
1.1. Competitive selection of academic staff is carried out within academic mobility programs between Alfred Nobel University and the HEI partner from the ERASMUS+ program country.
1.2. The competition is held in accordance with the requirements of the HEI partners in the framework of the mobility project.
2. The purpose and objectives of the competition
2.1 The purpose of the program is to provide an opportunity for academic staff to gain European experience in the educational process abroad and to implement strategic objectives of internationalisation.
2.2. The task of the competition is to select academics to participate in the scholarship mobility program, in which teachers will participate in academic mobility in the partner HEI.
3. Participants
3.1. Academic staff of Alfred Nobel University can take part in the competition.
3.2. Academic staff of partner Universities may apply for mobility at ANU
3.3. Requirements for participants:
- CV in English;
- program of the course (32 hours), which is planned to be taught;
- certificate of English proficiency (B2);
- valid passport.
4. Organization and procedure of the competition
4.1. The competition is held by the Expert commission appointed by the ANU president.
4.2. The Expert commission is chaired by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation.
4.3. During the competition, the Expert commission evaluates each of the participants separately according to the following criteria:
- level of English language proficiency;
- course program;
- interview.
The decision of the Expert commission is fixed in the protocol which is submitted to partner institutions.
An appeal is possible in case of violation of the selection procedure and is considered by the Committee on the Quality of Academic Standards of the Alfred Nobel University.
4.4. The competition is held in three stages.
Stage I:
Fill an application, consisting of:
- Application form;
- Course program (32 hours)
- CV (in English);
- scan / copy of passport.
The application is submitted in electronic and printed forms to the International Cooperation Department (office 2601, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Stage II:
Interview in English with members of the Expert commission.
Stage III:
Announcement of the results on the page of the ANU official website.
Mevlana exchange program with University of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman
for incoming academic staff members
Academic Staff Application Documents
1. The Academic Staff Application Form (download)
2. CV EuroPass (create)
3. Academic Portfolio that includes documents (if available) giving details of publications relevant to the department in the field of the Mevlana application, projects participated in, projects carried out, planned projects, and projects for courses given or planned.
Academic Staff Application Requirements
All academic staff members are eligible to take part in academic staff mobility projects if they are employed in domestic or foreign higher education institutions which have signed the Mevlana Exchange Programme Protocol. This mobility covers education-training activities for academic staff members which have been authorised in one higher education institution, and which will be carried out in another higher education institution.
Academic staff mobility periods can be from minimum two weeks up to a maximum of three months, and can only be authorised once in the same academic year.
The academic activities of academic staff members taking part in a mobility programme must not be less than a total of six hours weekly. In calculating the total hours of activities performed by academic staff, consideration will be given to the total hours of courses. If the total hours of the courses is less than six hours, other academic activities such as seminars, panels or conferences will be taken into consideration. Academic staff mobility plans which do not contain lectures will not be considered to fall within the terms of the Mevlana Exchange Programme, and will not be accepted.
Within the scope of the Mevlana Exchange Programme, travel allowances defined by Travel Expense Law No. 6245 may be paid to incoming and outgoing academic staff. Travel allowances and additional course fees may be paid as defined in Travel Expense Law No. 6245 and article 10 of Law
No. 2547. The CHE Executive Board is authorized to determine additional course fees according to the country applied for, and the academic title of the applicant.
Mevlana Exchange Programme Incoming Academic Staff Allowance:
Allowance granted according to the Academic Title
Academic Title Allowance (Per Day) (TL)
Professor - 55
Associate Professor - 55
Assistant Professor - 55
Others - 45
Mevlana Exchange Programme Incoming Academic Staff Travel Expenses Scholarships:
Regions Travel Allowances (TL)
Asia-pacific, Latin America, North America - 4,600 TL
Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia - 3,500 TL
Europe, South Caucasus, South Asia, Middle East and North Africa - 3,100 TL
Mevlana Exchange Programme Incoming Academic Staff Accommodation
University Guest House: The visiting academic staff may stay in the University Guest House for a reasonable daily price.
As for hotels: If you would like to stay in Mugla centre, close to the campus you can stay in one of these hotels:
Mugla Hotel: http://www.muglahotel.com/
Tuna Otel: http://www.tunaotelmugla.com/
Also, you may stay in Akyaka, the coastal town 25 minutes’ drive from the city centre.
Note: We may provide detailed information about the accommodation options before the mobility.