Title of scientific school: Methodological support of corporate governance and project management processes.
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Tkachenko, Deputy Director of the Institute for Economic and Social Development.
Information about the Head of school: Volodymyr Tkachenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Ukraine Industry, Honored Professor of ANU, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Academy of Bioenergy Technologies, President of the Academy, Full Member of the All-Ukrainian Association of Valeologists. Full Member of the International Academy of Authors of Scientific Inventions - has 12 scientific inventions and 2 discoveries (№140 in 2000, №429 in 2011), holder of the honorary title 'Lytsar Vitchyzny'
He has more than 190 publications, including 32 monographs and 5 textbooks. In 1992 he defended his doctoral theses on the speciality 08.00.05 - Economics, planning and organization of management of the national economy and its branches.
Has prepared more than 30 candidates of economic sciences and 7 doctors of economic sciences. Manages graduate students in accordance with the research topic 'Improvement of the corporate governance system of an industrial enterprise' (state registration number 0110U000324).
Title of scientific school: Research of ways to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Valentyna Pavlova
Information about the Head of school: Valentyna Pavlova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of International Trade and Entrepreneurship. She defended her doctoral theses on the topic: 'Strategy for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises - producers of consumer goods' in the speciality 08.06.01 - Economics, organization and management of enterprises.
She prepared 6 candidates of sciences and 3 doctors of sciences. Manages the research topic 'Development and improvement of management mechanisms for the development and competitiveness of enterprises' (state registration number 0120U002167). Deputy Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council for the Defense of Doctoral (Candidate) Theses D 08.120.01, Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 44.877.01 at Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Member of the subcommittee 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities of the scientific-methodical commission on business, management and law of the higher education sector of the Scientific-methodical council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. She is the developer of the Standards of Higher Education of Ukraine of bachelor's, master's and educational-scientific levels in the speciality 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity. Member of the editorial board of 3 scientific professional publications. She has more than 150 scientific and educational publications, including 19 monographs and 5 textbooks marked 'Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine', is the author and co-author of 7 utility model patents and 31 certificates of copyright registration for scientific work.
General information about the school:
3 doctoral theses, 6 candidate dissertations were defended. 1 doctoral student and 6 postgraduate students are working on dissertations.
Title of scientific school: Globalization and macroeconomic regulation
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Anatolii Zadoia
Information about the Head of school: Anatolii Zadoia, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations and Economic Theory, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Ukraine Public Education. Author of about 300 publications and numerous foreign. For over 40 years he has been teaching basic economic training and special training of specialists in international economic relations in higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland. Actively engaged in consulting activities. Author of 30 textbooks and manuals that are widely popular in Ukraine and abroad. Under his supervision, 9 doctoral theses and more than 30 candidate theses were defended. Member of specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations. Manages graduate students and applicants in accordance with the complex research topic 'Economy of Ukraine in the new geostrategic realities: individual, state, society (state registration number №0115U000063)'. Works on the problem of international monetary and trade relations and their impact on macroeconomic proportions. Chairman of the Academic Council of the University, Advisor to the President of the University on scientific and international activities.
General information about the school:
The school has been formed during the last 20 years. The activities of the school include not only the staff of Alfred Nobel University. But it goes far beyond it. Among those scientists who conducted their research within the school and defended their doctoral dissertations (and now head their schools) are professors Petrunya Yu. (Head of the Department at the University of Customs and Finance), Shlyusarchyk B. (Head of the Department at the University of Rzeszow, Poland), Pylypenko Yu and Shapoval V. (heads of departments at the National Mining University), Piolipenko G. (Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council at the National Mining University), Momot V. (Vice-Rector of Alfred Nobel University), Pavlova V. (Head of the Department of Alfred Nobel University) and others. Today, 3 doctors of sciences and 6 candidates of sciences are involved in the work of the school.
6 graduate students of the University are also working on the implementation of the complex topic. Every year the school holds two international scientific and practical conferences of young scientists and students, which are attended by hundreds of students from Ukraine and other countries.
Title of scientific school: Recent processes and effects of uncertainty in the world economy
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Momot
Information about the Head of school: Volodymyr Momot, Doctor of Economics, Professor. In 2004 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics in the speciality 08.06.01 - Economics, organization and management of enterprises on the topic 'Strategy of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty of the business environment (methodological aspect)'. Teaches disciplines: 'Fundamentals of Management', 'Strategic Management', 'Methodology and organization of research'.
Manages graduate students and applicants in accordance with the complex research topic 'Substantiation of strategies for the development of organizations and enterprises in a competitive environment (state registration number 0110U000148)'
He has more than 190 scientific publications that reflect the directions of his research in the following areas:
development of methodological bases for building the strategy of the enterprise under conditions of uncertainty of the business environment;
study of the processes of globalization and regionalization of the world economy in the context of uncertainty;
project management, business processes, modernization and reengineering of large industrial enterprises;
information management and modern systems of production organization.
Professor, Department of Innovation Management and International Logistics, Alfred Nobel University.
Title of scientific school: Optimization of foreign language teaching in universities
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Oleh Tarnopolskii
Information about the Head of school: Author of more than 380 scientific papers published in more than 20 countries. He has presented more than 200 papers at 200 scientific conferences, seminars and symposia in 25 countries. Twice winner of the award. Fulbright, USA. Received a grant from the Regional Scholar Exchange Program (USA). Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Excellence in Education of Ukraine. He was awarded diplomas of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for services to the Ukrainian people and other awards. Supervisor of 13 successfully defended dissertations on the theory and methods of teaching: Germanic and Romance languages.
General information about the school:
The school has been researching for many years the ways to improve the methods of teaching foreign languages in non-language and language higher education institutions. All publications, speeches at conferences, both the head of the school and those scientists who are part of it, all defended within the school 13 dissertations are related to this area of research.
Title of scientific school: Professional communication as a scientific and educational problem
Head of scientific school: Prof. Dr. Natalia Volkova
Information about the Head of school: Under the guidance and scientific advice of Prof. Volkova successfully defended 2 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations. Since 2007, Prof. Volkova has been a member of the Specialized Academic Council D 29.053.01 at Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University.
Since March 6, 2015, Volkova is the chairman of the specialized scientific council K 08.120.02 opened on her initiative with the right to accept for consideration and defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in speciality 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Vocational Education (Alfred Nobel University).
She has more than 160 published works, including six monographs, two textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, three textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 12 textbooks and practical manuals, articles in leading Ukrainian and foreign professional publications.
General information about the school:
The purpose of research conducted by graduate and doctoral students is to find effective ways to modernize the communicative component of vocational education in Ukraine in terms of integration into the world educational space.