Welcome to the study programme Management (Bachelor’s degree), language of training is Ukrainian, English.
A manager can find himself in any field: from his own business to work in large international corporations, from commercial organizations and public administration! Every enterprise, every organization needs an effective and efficient manager at any level of management (higher, middle, lower).
The mission of the study programme Management (Bachelor’s degree) is training of fully qualified, socially responsible professionals in the various fields of business management who possess all-round basic professional knowledge and skills in a real-world setting corresponding in order to ensure competitiveness of domestic enterprises and Ukraine’s economy under the conditions of globalisation.
We incorporate European approaches and quality standards of higher education. It is the first and the only Bachelor’s programme in Management in Ukraine which is accredited at the international level by ZEvA agency, Hannover (Germany). ZEvA’s experts have recognized its compliance with European standards and the Bologna requirements.
Here you will find information about the study programme Management (Bachelor’s degree) at Alfred Nobel University (Dnipro, Ukraine).
Prof. Dr. Hanna Mytrofanova
Head of Innovations Management and Financial Analytics Department
Sicheslavska Naberezhna str., 18, Dnipro, 49000, Ukraine Of. A219, A204
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. mob., Viber, WhatsApp: +38 (0675670279)
Programme title: Management (Bachelor’s degree)
Qualification: Bachelor in Management
Programme Type: Undergraduate programme
Mode of study: full time, part time
Duration: Four years
Degree awarded: Bachelor’s degree
Language of study: English (Full-time), Ukrainian (Full-time, Part-time),
Results of mastery of the study programme: acquisition of basic knowledge of fundamental and applied courses/disciplines necessary for competence of bachelors in management
Professional knowledge and skills obtained as a result of completing the programme :
- understand how value is created and managed throughout the product lifecycle, using marketing strategy and supply chain management in a dynamic environment;
- demonstrate a capacity to apply business knowledge in new and unfamiliar circumstances through a conceptual understanding of relevant disciplines;
- apply and interpret quantitative methods and statistical analyses;
- perform and interpret standard accounting and financial computations, including cash flow and time-value-of-money calculations, cost-benefit analysis, and capital budgeting to evaluate the merits of a proposed investment;
- develop and reinforce critical thinking and argumentation skills with emphasis on problem identification from various viewpoints, causal diagnosis, and solution development;
- demonstrate an understanding of market structure, macroeconomic, and international environments within which businesses operate, including the roles of financial institutions, the central bank, and central governments;
- have the information literacy skills necessary to effectively research, locate, extract, structure, and organize the information needed to assist in management planning, decision making and execution;
- demonstrate proficiency with data management software;
- demonstrate awareness of conventional and innovative approaches to leadership and motivation;
- demonstrate experience in teamwork and communication through involvement in experiential exercises including group presentation of case studies.
We offer you:
- An internationally recognized, practically based education in management
- Modern forms of teaching and learning which correspond to European standards and the Bologna Declaration
- Courses taught by experienced lecturers and professors who have completed internships at leading universities in Western Europe
- Master classes conducted by business experts and consultants from business schools
- Mastery of information systems and technologies in the field of management by using up- to-date software products
- A modern library and up-to-date study literature
Programme requirements ( ECTS credits).
In accordance with the Standard on Higher Education set for the programme Management (Bachelor’s degree), 240 ECTS credits are awarded in total. The curriculum of the programme Management (Bachelor’s degree) incorporates: mandatory courses (153ECTS credits) including course papers and elective courses (79,5ECTS credits). Practical training which includes internship – 9 ECTS credits. Bachelor’s thesis (7.5 ECTS credits).
- the ratio of credits between parts of the programme may vary slightly from year to year.
Educational goals of the programme
General goal of the study programme Management (Bachelor’s degree) is training of fully qualified, socially responsible professionals in the various fields of business management who possess all-round basic professional knowledge and skills corresponding to the demands of the modern labour market in order to ensure competitiveness of domestic enterprises and Ukraine’s economy under the conditions of globalisation.
The programme’s objectives are designed to:
- ensure training of bachelors in management understanding how value is created and managed throughout the product lifecycle, using marketing strategy and supply chain management in a dynamic environment;
- provide basic knowledge of fundamental and applied educational subjects necessary for competence of bachelor in management;
- prepare specialists for perform and interpret standard accounting and financial computations, including cash flow and time-value-of-money calculations, cost-benefit analysis, and capital budgeting to evaluate the merits of a proposed investment;
- develop in students the ability to apply the critical thinking and argumentation skills with emphasis on problem identification from various viewpoints, causal diagnosis, and solution development;
- develop in students the information literacy skills necessary to effectively research, locate, extract, structure, and organize the information needed to assist in management planning, decision making and execution;
- develop the student’s powers of analysis and judgement;
- develop graduates as social individuals which are ready to solve certain problems and tasks of communicative and social activity.
- provide students with the knowledge and skill base, from which they can proceed to further studies in market structure, macroeconomic, and international environments within which businesses operate, including the roles of financial institutions, the central bank, and central governments;
- develop in students, through their studies, a range of generic skills that will be of value in employment and self-employment as well as in their future career in private or public sector.
Professionally Oriented Courses Offered
- Management and Administration (Basics of Management)
- Management and Administration (Organization Theory)
- Management and Administration (Enterprise Planning and Organization)
- Management and Administration (Operational Management)
- Finance, Money and Credit (Finance, Money and Credit)
- Marketing, Management of Enterprise Foreign Economic Activity
- Management and Administration (HR Management)
- Law (Labor Law, Commercial and Commercial Law)
- Managerial Accounting
- Business Process Management Tools (Controlling)
- Management of Enterprise Foreign Economic Activity
- Management and Administration (Operational Management)
- Business Process Reengineering
- Management and Administration (Organizational Culture)
- Management and Administration (Leadership, Group Dynamics)
- Psychology of Management and Organizational Psychology
- Business Communication in Management
- Psychology of stress
- Staff Motivation
International Mobility and Double Degree Programmes
Student exchange programmes are conducted jointly with partner universities in France, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Germany and others.
Career Prospects
Graduates are in demand in all branches of business, not only at the national level, but also in the European-wide and global market. In the future, increasing demand for skilled employees with this background will be generated by the following types of employers:
- Small and middle-sized firms with an expanding presence in developing and developed countries.
- Large, multinational industrial enterprises.
- Export and import companies.
- International and domestic organizations, institutions, and business.
Also many our graduates have succeeded in starting their own businesses.
Enrollment requirements
Admission Regulations of Alfred Nobel University for 2020
Enrollment requirements to study programme “Management” (Bachelor’s degree):
For Ukrainian citizens (in Ukrainian)
For foreign citizens (in English)
HOW TO APPLY (for international students) CLICK HERE
More information about the programme:
Structure of the Study Programme “Management” (Bachelor’s degree)
The Intended Learning Outcomes for the Study Programme “Management” (Bachelor’s degree)
The Catalogue of courses for the Study Programme “Management” (Bachelor’s degree)