Thousands of Global Leaders Gathered in South Korea for Strengthening Institutional Peace
Sergii Kholod, Rector of Alfred Nobel University, and Viktoriia Sokolova, Vice-Rector for Research and International Cooperation, at the invitation of the international organization HWPL under the Department of Global Communications and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, took part in the 9th anniversary of HWPL World Peace Summit held in Incheon, South Korea, from September 18th to 21st.The event brought together more than 1,800 people from 121 countries, including the United States, Ukraine, Romania, South Africa, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, and India, former heads of state, leaders, public and academic representatives, youth and women’s groups, and media representatives.During this event themed Implementing a Multidimensional Strategies for Institutional Peace, leaders and experts in international law, education, youth, women, and media participated in about 30 sessions over four days.Participants took part in discussions, organized not only by regions but also by countries, on practical and viable strategies for establishing legally binding international law for peace and the implementation of...